Around 2000 years ago , at the time of the fourth industrial revolution, things were not looking good. The previous industrial revolutions has created a world based on infinite growth, the exploitation of labor, war, and a necessary veneer of propaganda and consumerism, creating an uniquely confused and alienated population.
By the time of the fourth industrial revolution things had began to get weirder. The world was mostly run by technological monopolies that hardly anyone understood . Because of the years of exploitation of the natural world, a collapse of some kind seems inevitable . Wealth inequality has become so vast it became difficult to hide under veneers of Democratic platitudes.
The elites became understandably worried that the situation would become unstable, so, enacted a vast conspiracy. With the help of the newest technology and propaganda, they managed to inject the worlds population with a seemingly benign chemical, that really contained nano technologies that could neurologically alter peoples perceptions of reality.
That was when the first domed pleasure cities where built , fully protected from the increasingly uninhabitable earth. The general population were now no more than slaves , but , thanks to the nano technology implanted in there DNA, they would imagine themselves to be living a life of freedom, or any configuration the elites choose for them .
As the years went by , the elites passed their time in the domed pleasure cities indulging in altering their brain chemicals to induce all the pleasures they could possibly imagine, while everyone else toiled in the toxic wastelands , mining for the last of the precious minerals needed to keep the domed cities computer systems running. But, as generations passed, they no longer thought of themselves of elites , they were just people. And their domed cities, once of source of such pleasure and pride , had for some, began to feel like domed prisons . They were bored . They could see, on the huge monitors displayed in most public areas as a form of entertainment, what the slave population outside looked like , and how they lived . Ugly , short ,brutish lives , with thick leather like skin , often ravaged with disease. The domed city dwellers bodies had changed as well , taller, lacking in muscle, smaller jaws and an almost androgynous look, big heads , they had an almost alien look .
Eventually , it had become a pastime to hack into the neurological programming of the slave people, and experience life as they imagined they lived it . Though confusing, the Slave people still imagined they inhabited a world long since gone . They had contact distractions, strange forms of entertainment, emotions not designed solely to maximize pleasure, but , difficult conflicting emotions and experiences. The elites had taken to tweaking the slave populations reality when they were bored , and there were endless variations, rerunning various scenarios of what the past could of been , amused at all the variety and reactions their simulations could induce . The more rebellious had taken to hacking inside their reality, and living out their virtual simulated lives, as they seemed more interesting than the now dull familiar cycle of living in their perfect pleasure domes. Occasionally, they would cut the cord , and , even though they knew they really were living in the now toxic pain filled world outside the dome , at least they could experience the neurological programming in a more authentic way .
In one of the billions of simultaneous, people would entertain themselves by drawing and trying to sell weird comics books ,trying to make social commentary on a totally fictitious world, a thought that the elite hackers inhabiting the slave race found both ironic, humorous, and , philosophically puzzling. You are now living in this particular simulation, you imagine it’s the end of the year 2020, and , in this world, the latest comic book has been published. It was always such a fringe interest, there were always only a very small print run , but , if you are curious, here it is . Headache no.4…..