For many years I was a drug addict. It was a pretty dark time .

I was homeless, in jail , it wasn’t glamorous.

It negativity effected all my relationships, I blocked me creatively. I don’t write about it much .

I got clean over 15 years ago.

I attended NA meeting for years and still have a huge gratitude for all the people i meet and helped me in those first 3 or 4 years.

I wasn’t in good circumstances, I was living in a crack House with my ex wife and her crazy crack head boyfriend in east London. Everyday I would get on a train to west London and go to as many meetings as I could , hanging out on the street or in cafes between meetings . I detoxed going to meetings, so, I was noticeably a complete mess . The amount of legal drugs I was on where the toughest , methodone, anti psychotics , benzodiazepines, ect , and every night I would go home to the crack house and stay in my room. I don’t think I slept for about 2 or 3 months straight, I probably did , but it seemed like I didn’t . 

These drawings are over some of  the leaflets that were around. It shows where my head was at the time i guess . 

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Life Sucks..a short history.


Svay Ken